
Six Tricks For Google Tasks

If you use Gmail Oregon Google Calendar, you probably sustain at least a passing familiarity with Tasks, the minimalist to-do number feature that lingers in the corners of Google's apps. Most users I know overlook Google Tasks because it looks so unassuming. But put on nothing: Tasks has what information technology takes to track tons of to-disk operating system.

Google Tasks
Google Tasks lives in Google Calendar as well as in Gmail.

If your needs are minimal, Tasks can probably track everything you've got with nary form. But for more robust GTD-style action tracking, here are six simple tricks that privy turbocharge Tasks.

Pop It Out

If managing your tasks is an important percentage of your daily productivity, don't keep information technology relegated to a quoin of your Gmail or Google Calendar window. Pop out it out of Gmail by clicking the arrow in the top-right corner of the Tasks box. This will make up a separate window for Tasks, functioning more like a freestanding app than a module in your mail tab.

Make Multiple Lists

By default option, Tasks has only ane active list, cleverly named Default option List. But you fundament make over American Samoa many lists as you ask to manage various projects. In the bottom-right corner of the Tasks box seat, click the button that looks like three bullet points then click Bran-new leaning. Name it whatever you same ("home" Beaver State "work" or "groceries" OR whatsoever) and start populating it.

Edit Tasks

To the right of all task you'll see a in good order-pointing pointer bracket symbol (">"). Click it and it'll use up you to the delete screen for that task, where you can set a repayable date, enter additional notes astir the task, or move the task from one list to another.

Indention to Make Sub-tasks

Google Tasks doesn't really support dependencies, but it does offer a concession in the physique of concave entries. You can drag any task into position below a related task and pressur the Check key on your keyboard to indent it, signifying that it's a subtask of the item of above information technology.

Use the Hotkeys

Tasks supports hotkeys for quick entries and easy editing. To indent, press Pill. To United Nations-indent, beseech Shift+Tab key. You bottom go off a task up OR down your name by hitting CTRL+Up or CTRL+Down. To edit inside information on the currently selected labor, press Enter.

Film It Mobile

The simplicity of Google Tasks makes IT an telling tool for smartphones. If you're an Mechanical man user, cheque GTasks, which faithfully reproduces Tasks' functionality and offers excellent synching to your Google account. For iPhone, there are cardinal options that stand out nicely. One is to use the Google Mobile app, which includes Tasks. The other is to point your browser to

These are just some basic tricks that service unlock the flexibility of Tasks. It's worth noting that, backward in January, Google polled its users for feature film requests for Tasks. Among the requested features were sharing capabilities, and the power to view entries from multiple lists on one test, sized by maturity date. I can only hope Google delivers on these requests without messing with the tool's lancelike interface.


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